Acorn elves Inktober 2020

Dubánčí inktober 2020

I’ve participated in Inktober (a global challenge for graphic designers who all draw a drawing on a given one-word theme every day in October and then share their creation on social media) several times (you can peep my Inktober creations from 2017, 2018 and 2019), but this year I decided to make acorn elves the central character of all my drawings.

The assignment was simple, I glanced at it back in late September, scribbled some of the words so I wouldn’t get too confused, and then over the next few days I would occasionally sketch some of the ideas as they came to me on the same paper. At the end of the month, this scribble of mine looked as if I had taken it out of a deer’s ass… :

Inktober - témata a poznámky

I couldn’t fit it all on the front page, so I did it from the back:

Inktober - poznámky

And here are the individual days:

The first inktober drawing with acorn elves

Prompt: FISH


Inktober second day

Prompt: WISP
It’s getting hot, because I couldn’t think of anything funnier

WISP (pramínek, proužek vlasů nebo třeba dýmu)

Inktober third day

Prompt: BULKY 
“Poor” acorn elf is stuck in a donut and has to dig his way out, it’s going to be a struggle, but I believe he’ll make it, he’s already conquered several of them :)

BULKY (objemný, tlustý)

Inktober 4. day

Prompt: RADIO
Acorn elf made some serious headphones out of my headphones earbuds. I just don’t know if that old TESLA radio had a hole for a classic Jack.


Inktober 5. day

Prompt: BLADE
Nothing like a properly sharpened blade from a blade!

BLADE (čepel)

Inktober 6. day

Prompt: RODENT
When the little acorn elf meets a hungry squirrel from the Ice Age, he’s looking for a lot of trouble. I hope he’s got fast feet!

RODENT (hlodavec)

Inktober 7. day (first week behind us, no delays so far)

Prompt: FANCY
Acorn elf did some digging in his wife’s jewelry box :) I love the drawing in white and black on brown paper (I used a piece of some old paper box)!

FANCY (nóbl, vyšperkovaný)

Inktober 8. day

Prompt: TEETH
I really liked the brown background, so I found a pad of brown paper and used it again, drawing the acorn elves in the oak grove discussing something…

Inktober 8. den Zadaní: TEETH (zuby). Moc se mi líbilo hnědé pozadí, tak jsem našel i blok s hnědými papíry a znovu ho použil, nakreslil jsem, jak dubánci v dubovém hájku o něčem rokují...

Inktober 9. day

Prompt: THROW
A new pad and a new grey marker, that had to be tested! Tomorrow’s theme is HOPE and I still have no idea what to draw. Advice!

THROW (hodit)

Inktober 10. day

Prompt: HOPE
A bit abstract and depressing today (probably the weather’s fault)… this one wanted black and white, but there’s hope at the end :)

HOPE (naděje)

Inktober 11. day

I came across watercolors in the bottom layers while cleaning out my workbench, so why not use them. I admit to being inspired by a Pandemic t-shirt saw years ago and didn’t get it out of my head

DISGUSTING (nechutný)

Inktober 12. day

A little weaker today, but I just couldn’t think of more at that morning English breakfast.

SLIPPERY (kluzký)

Inktober 13. day

Prompt: DUNE
Acorn elf took advantage of my momentary absence while making a bun, ran over the flour dune and made a little angel. And then in the kitchen, he got all misty

DUNE (duna)

Inktober 14. day

Prompt: ARMOR
This topic was a bit of a nut to crack, but I finally cracked it and drew a Knight of the Order of the Oak Leaf

ARMOR (brnění)

Inktober 15. day

It was time for the Acorn elves to look into space – behind the acorn elf is its space station (base) with large solar panels. This time white marker and crayon on black paper.

OUTPOST (základna)

Inktober 16. day

Prompt: ROCKET 
I’ve had this in my head for so long, but since we’re not a firecracker family, I haven’t taken a picture of it yet :) So at least like this…

ROCKET (raketa)

Inktober 17. day

Prompt: STORM
Next time you do the laundry, take a good look at what’s in the washing machine, so you don’t have any mishaps…

Inktober 17. den Téma: STORM (bouře) Až budete příště prát, pořádně se mrkněte, co je v pračce, ať se nestane nějaké neštěstí...

Inktober 18. day

Prompt: TRAP
The acorn elves saved the mouse from temptation and made their own gym.

TRAP (past)

Inktober 19. day

Prompt: DIZZY
I’d say the acorn elf is about to take a little dip in the sauce :) He shouldn’t have played with chopsticks!

DIZZY (mít závrať, ztrácet rovnováhu)

Inktober 20. day

Prompt: CORAL 
I got a bit carried away today, next time I’ll draw something simpler… I’m looking at it now, those acorn elves are knuckleheads – the one in the front is paddling backwards, they won’t get far!

CORAL (korál)

Inktober 21. day

Prompt: SLEEP
Two thirds of Inktober is over and I’m starting to run out of breath… I think I could have done this illustration better, but I’m running out of time. So maybe I’ll redraw it sometime…

SLEEP (spánek)

Inktober 22. day

Prompt: CHEF 
We had a great acorn elf chef at home, we often cooked various delicacies together, last time we made delicious pickles in the summer, but he hasn’t shown up since :(

CHEF (šéfkuchař)

Inktober 23. day

Prompt: RIP
Beware, today’s picture is even rougher than yesterday’s! It’s a scene from a cult movie…

RIP (rozpárat, rozervat)

Inktober 24. day

Prompt: DIG
Nothing too funny today, but I hope you’ll try it – this is how all the goodies disappear at home.

DIG (vykopat, rýt)

Inktober 25. day

Prompt: BUDDY
Acorn elf found a friend, a chestnut, and what a punk dude!

BUDDY (kámoš)

Inktober 26. day

Prompt: HIDE
Can you find the acorn elf?

HIDE (skrýt se)

Inktober 27. day

Prompt: MUSIC
Some of the music can be painful, but the acorn elf can handle it :)

MUSIC (hudba)

Inktober 28. day

Prompt: FLOAT
Salt water is supposedly more filling, so the acorn elves wanted to try it, but I didn’t think they would abuse my noodle soup with liver dumplings!

FLOAT (plavat, vznášet se)

Inktober 29. day

Prompt: SHOES 
Watch out for old shoes, sometimes they bite!

SHOES (boty)

Inktober 30. day

I think I’m going to be a little scared to meet this little acorn elf :) I originally wanted to draw a King Kong acorn elf, but I couldn’t find a suitable tall iconic building in Prague.

OMINOUS (zlověstný, hrozivý)

Inktober last 31. day

Prompt: CRAWL 
I thought for a long, long time what to draw and then I remembered that I hadn’t drawn Zulda the dog yet!
And Inktober is over!

CRAWL (plazit se, lézt po čtyřech)

So that was Inktober 2020

Now what about the drawings? Do you have any ideas? Auction them off? Make postcards out of the best ones (I at least made a collection of Inktober’s views of Zazzle out of a few of the best ones)? Keep drawing?

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