Inktober 2021

Just like last year, I decided to do an acorn elves inktober (a global challenge for graphic artists who all draw a drawing on one specified one-word theme every day in October and then share their creation on social media), I called it oaktober – so I will draw the themes of inktober, but in conjunction with acorn elves. This is my fifth time drawing an inktober (you can peep my inktober creations from  201720182019, 2020). This year I’ve also decided to draw it all on my iPad in Procreate (I got it for Christmas last year and still haven’t had enough time to learn how to use it properly, so this will be a bit of a practice run for me.

Let me know in the comments which picture you like the most and if you can also think of a way to use the drawings…

Here’s the list of prompts for this year’s edition, complete with translations and a few of my sketches that I jotted down:

First day of #inktober2021 – CRYSTAL

And I thought of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.

And here’s the first drawing of #inktober2021 with the acorn elf. The theme was CRYSTAL and I thought of Indiana Jones and the crystal skull.

Inktober 2021 - 01

2. day (I’m still managing to draw on deadline!) – SUIT

Day 2 of inktober (I still manage to draw!) and the theme SUIT – I immediately remembered the wedding photo that always hung in the bedroom above the bed in my grandparents’ houses.

Inktober 2021 - 02

3. day – VESSEL

#inktober Day 3, theme VESSEL (ship, vessel) – I put both translations in there and illustrated extra strong morning tea.

Inktober 2021 - 03

4. day – KNOT

#Inktober Day 4, theme: KNOT – nothing like a flexible belt that grows with you! Or did the acorn elf just need to remember something and didn’t have a handkerchief with him, so he made a knot on something else? 🙂

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5. day – RAVEN

#Inktober Day 5, theme RAVEN (raven, raven) – One legend tells of a small acorn elf who was not paying attention and was carried by a raven to its nest for its young. A few years later, a mysterious warrior on a raven saved a family of acorn elves from a hungry wild boar. Since then, they’ve been calling him Ravenoak!

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6. day – SPIRIT

#Inktober Day 6, theme: SPIRIT – November can be quite a scary month!

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7. day – FAN

#Inktober 7th day, FAN theme. Acorn elves have always been fascinated by flying. With the advent of electronics, their dreams are coming true!

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8. day – WATCH

#Inktober 8th day, theme WATCH. The Acorn elves also have their own TV, but instead of potato chips, they prefer mushroom chips 🙂 What show is he watching?

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9. day – PRESSURE

#Inktober 9th day, topic PRESSURE. Some books are very stressful and have a tight grip!

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10. day – PICK

#Inktober 10th day, theme PICK. What else could the acorn elves be picking at this time?! Just a quickie today, I’m a bit behind for the first time, I’ll leave the coloring to the kids, they can use it as a coloring book.

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11. day – SOUR

#Inktober 11th day, theme SOUR. When I say sour, I think of lemon and the acorn elves have found a new use for it!

Inktober 2021 - 11

12. day – STUCK

#Inktober 12th day, theme STUCK. Oh yeah, the sweet little acorn elf was sticking his nose where it didn’t belong again!

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13. day – ROOF

#Inktober 13th day, topic ROOF. Sometimes it’s nice to go up on the roof and just look at the stars…

Inktober 2021 - 13

14. day – TICK

#Inktober 14th day, theme TICK. When the acorn elves discover in the fall that they have no berries for the winter, they know where they can come to “borrow” some sweeter and more durable ones to replenish their stock 🙂

Inktober 2021 - 14

15. day – HELMET

15th day of #Inktober, HELMET theme. The acorn elves have so many options of what to make a helmet out of and they ruin my ping pong ball! He could still make that cool red stripe on it.

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16. day – COMPASS

#Inktober 16th day, theme COMPASS. The acorn elves don’t carry a compass into the forest, because it’s everywhere! Just look to see which side the shade is facing, where the thicker rings are on the stump, or which side the moss is growing on the trees.

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17. day – COLLIDE

#Inktober 17th day, theme COLLIDE. Love can sometimes be destructive…

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18. day – MOON

#Inktober 18th day, theme MOON. I already drew this moon once, so I used it again, only the silhouette is different…

Inktober 2021 - 18

19. day – LOOP

#Inktober 19th day, LOOP theme. The acorn elves have always wanted to fly and sometimes they do! Thank goodness he took the helmet from Friday’s inktober 🙂

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20. day – SPROUT

#Inktober 20th day, theme SPROUT. Acorn elf must have caught a cold somewhere, or got wet and didn’t wipe himself enough. Well, that happens too, he’s going to be a big oak!

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21. day – FUZZY

#Inktober 21st day, theme FUZZY. Acorn elves also love fashion and especially warm winter coats made from polar … err of course not animals! The latest trend at the moment is dandelion fluff (I just hope the wind doesn’t blow too much)⁠

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22. day – OPEN

#Inktober 22nd day, topic OPEN. I didn’t think of anything original today, so at least I drew it in two colors.

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23. day – LEAK

#Inktober 23rd day, theme LEAK. The acorn elves like fresh orange juice, it’s just that they find it quite difficult to prepare 🙂

Inktober 2021 - 23

24. day – EXTINCT

#Inktober 24th day, theme EXTINCT. I took a little inspiration from my critter memory game (see earlier tweets from this week) and drew some prehistoric critters that are now extinct.

Inktober 2021 - 24

25. day – SPLAT

#Inktober 25th day, theme SPLAT. I guess the acorn elves were playing tomato paintball in our kitchen again!

Inktober 2021 - 25

26. day – CONNECT

#Inktober 26th day, CONNECT theme.
Today I drew something a little more complicated, I redrew an old master because the theme was perfect for it. Do you recognize the original?

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27. day – SPARK

#Inktober 27th day, theme SPARK.
Soon it’ll be time for the lantern parade, the acorn elves have it in the summer and use fireflies: If they get lucky and catch a few fireflies, they can play with them until dawn (or until they run out :))

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28. day – CRISPY

#Inktober 28th day, theme CRISPY.
I think the acorn elf overdid it with the heating and now he can’t reach the button…

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29. day – PATCH

#Inktober 29th day, PATCH topic.
Overnight the slugs had a feast again and so the acorn elf is busy making it beautiful in the woods again! Next time you’re cleaning leaves off the mushrooms, look to see if there are little stitches along the leaves edges 🙂

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30. day – SLITHER

#Inktober 30th day, theme SLITHER.
There aren’t many banana peels in the woods, but other dangers lurk there!

Inktober 2021 - 30

31. day – RISK

#Inktober 31st day, topic RISK. ⁠
Eager acorn elves won’t even wait for the spaghetti to cook and risk becoming part of Sunday lunch! Anyway, Inktober 2021 is over. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!⁠

Inktober 2021 - 31

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